27 de out. de 2013

Les murs étaient couverts de dessins. Imitant Frida Khalo, j'avais réalisé une série d'autoportraits contenant chacune un fragment de poésie en fonction de mon état émotionnel morcelé. J'imaginais sa souffrance intense qui semblait amenuiser la mienne.

En el Retiro

Así, quién sabe
después de la noche de insomnio,
mejor va a ser capaz de escuchar a los pájaros cantando
y ver la hierba verde brillante. 
A mente exausta
faz  mais sentir o coração,
pois tristeza que vem do cansaço
cerra a boca e liberta os sentidos esquecidos.

The key to paradise

Find the time to think
Find the time to pray
Find the time to laugh
This is the fount of power
This is the greatest power on earth
This is music for the soul
Find the time to play
Find the time to love and be loved
Find the time to give
This is the secret of eternal youth
This is the privilege given by god
The day is too short to be selfish
Find the time to read
Find the time to be a friend
Find the time to work
This is the fount of wisdom
And the road of happiness
And the price of success
Find the time to be charitable
This is the key to paradise

Madre Teresa de Calcutá